Reporting Claims

Why you will want to report claims……on time!

After more than 20 years in this business, I still can’t think of any good reasons for delaying reporting workers compensation claims.

If you want to avoid all of the problems of not reporting set out below, pretending it didn’t happen or hoping it will not amount to anything does not constitute a good business decision.

You have an obligation to your injured workers and to your company to have workers treated as quickly as possible by appropriate medical practitioners.

Here are eight good reasons why:

1. Cost of Claims

WorkCover NSW stats show if a claim is not proactively managed until 2 to 3 weeks after the incident, the average claim cost rises by 13%. At 12 weeks the claim cost has increased by 91%.

The cost of a claim, however, isn’t the only reason to report claims as soon as possible, there are many more reasons to do so below.

2. Early intervention

It is common knowledge throughout the industry and treating health professionals, that workers who receive early support and injury management spend less time off work on workers compensation.

3. Warning Signs

Often employers ignore so-called ‘minor’ claims, but these small claims can often be warning signs that point to an issue in the workplace and that could lead to a major claim. The issues may have to do with a health and safety practice; or they may be more about the workplace practices; such as workload, new systems or management, dealing with disgruntled customers, interpersonal conflict with co-workers. They could also be related to non-work related psycho-social factors including health, family or financial issues.

In the case of reports of stress or just observed distress, any of the issues above could also apply as well as pre-existing psychological disorders.

Don’t ignore a claim just because it’s seems minor. Consider it an opportunity because sometimes, what seems to be relatively minor can end up being a major claim, especially in the case of stress.

4. Avoid Fines & Penalties

In all states of Australia the Workers Compensation governing bodies impose fines on employers who fail to report claims. In some states there are also penalties imposed for late reporting; in NSW, equivalent to 1 week’s wages.

Two great incentives to report claims on time.

5. Investigation

When a claim is reported immediately you are able to gather and preserve evidence, get statements from witnesses and make sure stories stay straight. The investigation then becomes the basis of HS&E intervention, toolbox talks or training if required.

If the matter is later litigated or otherwise complicated, you don’t want to manage a situation with stale and incomplete evidence.

6. Minimize Fraud

When a claim is investigated and controlled from the beginning, it reduces fraud tremendously and sends a clear message out to the rest of the business. The grapevine usually works well in most businesses.

7. Specialised Medical Care

If you have a service agreement with a specialized medical centre workers can be taken directly and receive best practice injury management. There is much less likelihood that the worker will be deemed unfit with most specialist practitioners accepting that remaining at work is a vital part of good management of injury and illness, both physical and psychological.

8. Morale and Well-being

People respond well to being cared for, they know when their employer is being fair and doing everything possible to assist their recovery and remedy the situation that caused the incident in the first place.

Injured workers cared for in this way are far less likely to commit fraud or litigate, and more likely to return to work as soon as possible.

So, eight very good reasons to report claims early and pro-actively manage all aspects of the process. Beneficial to the injured worker, the employer as well as the community.

By supporting your workers immediately and professionally you ensure the financial and social impact to your business is minimised. At On Track our goal is to ‘bridge the gap’ by working with employers to manage their responsibilities in relation to workers compensation and injury management within their organisations by developing and implementing appropriate intervention programs and management systems.

To find out more call us on 1300 854 550 or email at

Work Related Stress

What is work related stress??

“Work demands are one of the most common sources of work-related stress. While workers need challenging tasks to maintain their interest and motivation, and to develop new skills, it is important that demands do not exceed their ability to cope.”

Stress can occur when the physical, mental and emotional reactions of an individual who perceives that their work demands exceed their abilities and/or their resources to do the work. It occurs when people perceive they are not coping in situations where it is important to them they cope.

Common effects of work-related stress on people;

  • difficulty in decision making, forgetfulness
  • Irritability, excess worrying, feeling of worthlessness, defensiveness, anger, mood swings
  • Diminished performance, withdrawal behaviors, impulsive behaviors, increase in alcohol and nicotine consumption
  • Depression, anxiety, suicide
  • Cardio vascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, immune deficiency, gastrointestinal disorders

Effects on business-

  • Productivity down (5.9 billion dollars per annum)
  • Increased absenteeism and presenteeism ( 8-10 billion dollars per annum)
  • Increased staff turnover ( add costs of re-staffing and training)

Who’s responsibility is work-related stress?

In the Work Health and Safety Act 2001 it states “The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a primary duty of care to ensure workers and others are not exposed to a risk to their health and safety.”

We need to understand ‘health’ means the employee’s physical and psychological well being.

Work-related stress is considered a management issue. It is important for employers to recognise work-related stress as a significant health and safety issue.

A company can and should take the following steps to ensure that employees are not subjected to unnecessary stress, including:

  • Ensure a safe working environment.
  • Make sure that everyone is properly trained for their job.
  • De-stigmatise work-related stress by openly recognising it as a genuine problem.
  • Discuss issues and grievances with employees, and take appropriate action when possible.
  • Devise a stress management policy in consultation with the employees.
  • Encourage an environment where employees have more say over their duties, promotional prospects and safety.
  • Engage a Human Resources Manager in-house or outsourced.
  • Cut down on the need for overtime by reorganising duties or employing extra staff.
  • Take into account the personal lives of employees and recognise that the demands of home will sometimes clash with the demands of work.
  • Seek advice from health professionals, if necessary
  • Set up and Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

By supporting your workers immediately and professionally you ensure the financial and social impact to your business is minimized.

At On Track our goal is to ‘bridge the gap’ by working with employers to manage their responsibilities in relation to reducing this issue within their organisations by developing and implementing appropriate intervention programs and management systems.

To find out more call us on 1300 854 550 or email at